Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy PT KSR
PT KSR realizes and understands the importance of protecting privacy, in order to maintain good relationships and business stability. For this reason, we are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of personal data and identity by not sharing it with third parties.
Our company respects and upholds all regulations and laws set by the government of the Republic of Indonesia, regarding the confidentiality of personal information and other business rules.
PT KSR also follows and strictly implements personal information protection management, in accordance with the provisions made by the Directorate General of Rights and Intellectual Property (HAKI).
As a form of this commitment, PT KSR has the following privacy policy:
The Company does not share client personal information with third parties for any purpose, without the client's consent. Unless, the company has an agreement and has a related legal basis.
Companies are required to identify the purposes for obtaining and using personal information, and use that information without going beyond what is necessary.
As part of information management, companies are required to have a physical, human, systematic and technical security system that functions to protect the security of personal data from leaks and/or damage.
The company will monitor and review the personal data security system continuously and improve the quality of the security system in accordance with the current situation and conditions.
The company will follow up in detail in good faith if it receives complaints from customers.
Use of Personal Data
For the purposes of offering and managing services
To provide information related to the services provided by the company
To identify and confirm the provision of company services.
For company development purposes by sending questionnaires or similar
For the purposes of sending invitations, notifications or the like.
For purposes of appreciation from the company to customers, such as sending gifts or the like.
For the purposes of providing responses or notes, related to questions, suggestions, requests and so on.
For billing needs, collaboration follow-up or similar.
For the purposes of employee administration, human resources and employee health management, health management
To contact applicants to confirm job acceptance status.
The Company will confirm your personal identity by:
Contact via registered/registered email and ensure you receive and reply to the email
Call via the listed telephone number and ensure you receive and return the telephone call.
Personal Information is Not Shared with Third Parties Except:
Required by law because it is requested for legal purposes by authorized parties such as the Indonesian National Police, the Prosecutor's Office or the Court.
To improve service through customer service
To improve the experience of using the KSR site
When a company hands over part or all of its business to a third party
In terms of the company providing for business successors when the company needs business succession due to mergers, asset purchases and so on.